I go to few exhibitions in did. I would like go to much galleries and museums but really I don’t make me the necessary time for it because I prefer do many other things. Maybe when I finish my career often I will go to exhibitions often.
The last exhibition I went it was on November, a day when I was near to the Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral and I seized the opportunity to see what were on exhibition. It was entitled “INFORME PAIS”, where twelve visual artists, Chileans, Argentines, Peruvian and Bolivian, explored the concept “imagen-país”.
I found it very interesting because it’s a very contingent matter that has much to say since some years ago. It was attractive to see how the art works talks with different and international points of view.
I think that this art works were very ingenious, it was made for this exhibition specially, where it showed different techniques, photography, installations, paintings, audiovisual,; a kind of conceptual art that made a critic to the country, in geographical, cultural and social terms. It talked about the imaginary that we create about our country can be an unconscious fictional speech that we believe in, but in fact it’s very very fragile because in any moment an earthquake can snatch and destroy a big part of the geography, and protests or social demands can create crisis on social systems (as the general protest of students).
I think I enjoy it, specially because I didn’t went to some exhibition in looooooong time. I hope in the future go to more exhibitions :)
interesting exhibition
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