December 14, 2011

My warm last semester

When I figured out that I will finished my last semester of college in two months, I was surprised. I never thought I finish the universuty with pressure and so many things to do in a very short time!
I always thought I finish it with calm, planning my summer already graduate, traveling, and just thinking about my thesis. Now I have to organize all the rest of my activities (each one takes me many time) according to university.
This semester I have five courses with differents levels of demand. I don't like one of all them: aesthetics, as always. Well, I will do it the best I can.
Is not the first time that I'm studying at Christmas time, and no affect me for celebrate this festivities and share tie whit my family and friends.
But above all, the worst thing of studying at this time is the stifling heat of December.


Moira said...

This summer deserves vacations!!
And the warm and hot sensation, yes, don't forget the warm and hot sensation. This semester stink, literally.

Raúl said...

I'm agreed with you, i don't like make the things fast and with heat, that´s sucks...

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